Mindless Babble from a Mindful Person
Story behind the name...
Published on August 24, 2004 By Dutch Ambition In Blogging
So what is it behind Dutch Ambition? It didn't even take 5 blogs to allow this question to be asked. Well Cozzy to answer your question simply....

Although I am part Dutch (along with Swedish & English), it really doesn't have much to do with that. So where does it all start? Well for almost eight years I have been friends/involved on and off with someone in the Netherlands. Since I was 18 I have always tried to get over there to see him. From working 2 jobs I absolutely hated in High school, to earn cash to fly over (later using the funds earned for books in university), to canceling plans to head over in Uni due to something or other.
Ironically enough, in university I had to take a series of courses in Art History, where most of the text happen (due to Northern Renaissance) to be in Dutch. So by default... I learned a decent portion of the language in order to pass. Still remaining friends after years of not seeing one another...by the time I graduated from University I was able to make my way over.

... Now I am getting ready to start work on my Masters within the year. Funny how you ask which school? Because it happens to be in the Netherlands.... in the same city where he is from.... and no this was not planned. The last time I was over there I happend to waltz into the Academy and just happen to show my porfolio to the right person at the right time.

Often I ask my mate: Do you think it was fate or coincidence all of this just happen to fall in place over the years?

He replies: Nah, I think it was the Dutch in you longing to come back to your roots.... and to possibly be w/ me. Purely Dutch Ambition, sweetheart.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 24, 2004
Sorry Dutchy... I have to dash for a bit... I have a VERY important meeting to attend! No... REALLY!

Send correspondence, poems, stories, photos and testamonies of undying love to cosmos_7788@yahoo.com
on Aug 25, 2004

I'm gone for 2 hours and I come back to find NO witty reprisals? Nil, Zip, Nada... Nothing!

Catch ya on the beach...
on Aug 25, 2004

hi dutch ambition. thanks for your comment in my blog. nice to 'meet' you .

i'll be looking forward to following your adventures

vanessa/mig XX

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